Sustainability has a central place in our operations. It is also an integral part of our daily work. For Benders, it is important that our sustainability initiatives are wide ranging. We have thus chosen to address the areas of social, ecological and economic sustainability.
Social sustainability concerns the conditions affecting human life. Embracing all aspects of equality in communities, it covers people having good lives and there being no unjust differences. People must have not only the opportunities to develop and assimilate knowledge, but also the conditions to enjoy good health.
Ecological sustainability is often described as setting the framework or laying the foundations for the other two areas of sustainability (social and economic). It centres on the Earth’s ecosystems and the long-term preservation of desirable functions such as food and energy production, water provision, etc.
Economic development is a means of achieving ecological and social sustainability without affecting them negatively.
Our view of long-term sustainability manifests itself in many ways. To give just a few examples: extraction of raw materials and production as near as possible to end consumers; a focus on safe and comfortable work environments; multimillion investments in ecofriendly logistics solutions; and, reinvestment of profits. On these pages, you can read more about what sustainability means to us and about our goals and initiatives.