Invoicing companies in the Benders group
The rules below are to be followed if no agreement has been entered into.
- In addition to the Swedish Tax Agency’s rules, Benders has “marking” requirements that must be respected for invoices to be regarded as correct. Marking shall give the following information:
- Reference – Full first name and surname of the Benders’ reference person. Alternatively, a user name (five to seven letters).
- Reference details – The order placer’s name (if different from the reference) and any project number (six numbers or P followed by 3 – 4 numbers) or a “cost-centre number” (four numbers).
- Where we order via a purchase order, the purchase order number must be on the invoice.
- So that we can be certain of the correct payment information, Benders requires its suppliers to have a postgiro (PG) or bankgiro (BG) account.
- Company tax details shall be given on each invoice.
- Benders does not want there to be any form of “selling-on” of invoices to third parties (i.e. factoring). However, if this does happen, the seller is responsible for the new payment recipient being informed of applicable payment and claim rules. Benders must also be informed in advance.
- If an invoice is subject to reverse charging, the invoice must state: the VAT number of the Benders’ company that placed the order; and, the text ’’Omvänd skattskyldighet för byggtjänster gäller’’ (“Reverse tax liability for construction services applies”).
- Mixed invoices with both reverse charges and VAT liability cannot be processed.
- As it is possible to email invoices to us, Benders does not pay any invoicing costs.
Sending invoices to Benders
We at Benders want you, as suppliers, to be able to invoice smoothly and efficiently. This is why we offer several different ways of invoicing. Because it is good for the environment and more dependable, we prefer you to use a digital solution. Nonetheless we also offer an option for physical invoices.
Nothing other than invoices are to be sent to the invoicing addresses. Order confirmations, tenders, agreements and other information are to be sent to the relevant order placer via the agreed channels.
Benders receives invoices in the ways set out below.
PDF invoices via e-mail
We prefer you to send invoices as PDF files to the relevant companies’ email addresses. Invoices are to be attached to emails as PDF documents. Several PDFs can be sent in a single email provided that each PDF file is a full invoice.
Benders Sverige AB:
Benders Byggsystem AB:
Bohusgranit Ekonomisk Förening:
Karl-Erik Benders AB:
Restauranger Kärranäs:
If the companies you need are not listed above, please consult this file with all the invoicing addresses: Invoicing addresses (Excel document, 75 kB)
Paper invoices
If you cannot email PDF invoices, you can post paper invoices to:
*Company name*
Box 20
SE-535 21 Kvänum
Electronic data interchange (EDI) invoicing
We are not currently able to receive EDI invoices.
If your questions are not answered above, please email or telephone:
+46 (0)10 8880000, option 6