
We put every effort into running Benders in a long-term and sustainable manner. This is why we are eager for any irregularities that may seriously damage our operations or employees to be brought to our attention and investigated as soon as possible. To make things easier for anyone who wants to provide information on irregularities that conflict with applicable legislation, we have set up a whistleblowing solution. All irregularity reports are received with and dealt with by an external body (2Secure).

Please note that it is only people with direct links to Benders’ operations that are covered by the protection in Sweden’s act (2021:890) on protection for persons who report irregularities.

What is whistleblowing?

A whistleblower is a person who brings irregularities in a company or organisation to the attention of a person or entity who acts on such a report. Traditionally, the term has been used for employees who have disclosed information via the mass media. However, it is now used with a wider meaning.

If an employee becomes aware, or suspects, that anyone who is active in Benders’ organisation is not acting in accordance with applicable legislation, this must always be brought to the attention of the proper person or entity. Irregularities shall primarily be reported to a manager.

For us, it is extremely important that information about irregularities is communicated. To supplement our endeavours for an open company climate, we have chosen to implement a whistleblowing service. The purpose of this service is to provide a channel where events and/or conditions can be reported without the reporter fearing reprisals. We hope that irregularities can be quickly brought to someone’s attention and corrected before the underlying causes take root.

What can be reported?

  • The Swedish act covers, in a work-related context, reporting of information that it is in the public interest to disclose.
  • The act also covers reporting of irregularities in a work-related context as per directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2019 on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law.

Who can report?

All persons who, through their work, have come into contact with a suspected irregularity can submit a report. For example:

  • employees;
  • volunteers and trainees;
  • persons (e.g. hired-in consultants) carrying out work under the control and supervision of an operating body;
  • shareholders who are active in the company;
  • self-employed persons;
  • persons who, if the operating body is a company, are part of a company administrative, managerial or supervisory body.

How is a report to be submitted?

Option 1: Report to a manager within the Benders’ organisation or to group management.

Option 2: Report anonymously through the whistleblowing tool (see the instructions below).

Reporting via internal whistleblowing channels

Reporting can be: in writing via the link below; or, oral via telephone, +46 (0)77 1779977. Both these reporting channels allow you to choose to be anonymous. If you want to report via a face-to-face meeting, this can be requested by registering a report via the link below.

When registering a new report, you must state the company-specific code. If you are reporting in respect of Benders Byggsystem, the code is byg738. For the rest of Benders, it is ebs627. You will be given a unique case number and a password. These must be saved so that you can: actively log in to the website; follow the report; and, communicate with the administrative officer at 2Secure.

You can submit a report here

Reporting via external whistleblowing channels

In addition to reporting via Benders’ internal whistleblowing channels, you can report externally to: an official regulatory body within a certain area of responsibility; or, any of the EU’s institutions, bodies and offices. Here too, you are entitled, in both cases, to protection under Sweden’s act (2021:890) on protection for people who report irregularities.

The reporting tool and the external partner

To ensure your anonymity, a reporting tool is provided by an external, independent body.

  • You do not need to be able to prove that your suspicion is correct. However, no accusation must be made with malicious intent or knowing that the accusation is false.
  • It is important that your report gives all the facts. This includes circumstances that are felt not to be so important. Statements should be carefully developed and all documents that may be relevant should be attached.